
coming up...

... with a new definition of 'mankind': 'wasted potential'!



...that dignity unfortunately is NOT human nature - that probably is the reason that some of us so desperately claim it to be an international human right... considering current human affairs i wonder if we should redefine who belongs to the human species...(because i am not willing to grant this right to just anyone!)


just reflecting...

...that 'self-reflection' for most people means the daily look into the mirror... so much for the importance of inner values...*pffff*



...the new year by contemplating about the beginning of civilization... my thesis: it was the moment humans started to disrespect life, the life of others in particular...



...that i believe as much in true love as i believe in religion...go figure! muhaha!



...christmas! the modern versions of this holiday make me sick. if jesus sees what you made out of his birthday, he's gonna be sick, too...


philosophizing again...

...about the meaning of life... could it be...? no, is it really that simple?...maybe it is just that: the meaning of life is life! so stop complaining and start living, you morons!...muhaha!


just self-reflecting...

...if being sociophobic for me means that i'm scared of people or rather that i'm scared of being me when others are around - or both...


just wondering...

... where the compromise ends and the submission begins...


just thinking...

... if i am still tolerant if i don't tolerate intolerance...*muhaha*


just swearing...

... that beauty brings out the worst in us - cupidity!


just another...

...hit on feminism: ever thought about if christianity in terms of the roman catholic church wasn't in fact invented by women after all?! celibacy and monogamy being the ultimate instruments to control man's urges -if that isn't truly feminist thinking, what is? *aaahahaha*


just trying to feel...

... inside myself, if depressions by true nature are suppressed angers... oh man, i better start raging! *lmao*


just observed again...

...that straight persons often ask who in homosexual relationships has the woman's part - as if anyone would like to have the "woman's part" in any relationship... muhaha, that's some feminism for you, you hypocritical emancipated b***ches!


just convincing myself...

...that i just did the right thing. a minute ago i sent a letter to my boss, telling him all the things that have been going wrong at the zoo. i'm still shaking with fear of my own courage...
...on the other hand, what is the worst that could happen to me? getting fired? nope. sometimes it really can be an advantage to be a person with officially confirmed social disadvantages (in other words, no limits for the harmlessly insane;)



just telling myself...

...that only the truly strong can bear to be powerless.


just nagging...

...that everyone who still seriously believes in the sensibility of mankind probably had his/her last reality check 300 years ago...(waves hello to long dead Immanuel Kant, greatest optimist of all times!)


just being relieved that...

...cynicism is another way of telling the truth. and fortunately most people mistake it for a fine sense of humor. muhaha!


just being grateful...

... for the wall coming down twenty years ago. although i was only nine years old at the time, being born in the gdr taught me already that freedom always is also the freedom of choice. and i didn't have it till the 9th of november 1989...

danke, thanks, merci, gracias, spasibo, grazie!

unfortunately, if you didn't learn to choose you are somewhat handicapped in capitalism...


just questioning...

...the sanity of zoo visitors... they seem to leave their brains together with their car in the parking lot... NO FEEDING; YOU HUMANS! (sorry, couldn't think of a worse swear word - muhaha!)


just imagining...

...that if every person with good intentions won the Peace Nobel Prize we would ALL BE MILLIONAIRES... *laughs*
now that's a solution against the world's poverty, isn't it Barack?


just agonizing...

...that the 'heart vs. head'-battle is always the hardest to settle: we really want the heart to win, but usually the head has the better arguments...*doh*


just demonstrating...

...that the definition of 'genius' very much depends on the definition of 'average'... in some regions that makes it quite easy to be perceived as a 'genius' doesn't it?... WHAM- i gotta go!...*laughs*


just persuading myself...

... that you should be happy with what you have - happy, but never satisfied!...

4ladydi-2di4 *smiles and waves "hello"*


just reasoning why...

...i never watch or listen to weather forecasts - the probability that i will like the prospects is as high as the likelihood with which they actually do come true...


just regretting...

...that silence unfortunately is not necessarily the absence of communication...


just concluded...

...that those who envy the pretty ones are those who are blind to beauty...


unwillingly admitting...

...that old habits are as easily to get rid of as chewing gum on the sole of your shoe...*grrmpf*



...that fear means one still has something to lose...



...about human behavior (here we go again...muhaha;): one applying rule seems to be that you suppress what you fear. and that you fear what you cannot understand. no wonder the political stage looks and gets acted upon as it does...